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  • Build player loyalty

  • Generate new and seasonal traffic

  • Create personalized gaming experiences

  • Increase player frequency

  • Capture player data

  • Increase hotel visitation

  • Reduce casino employee turnover

  • Facilitate permission based marketing campaigns

If you don’t appreciate and motivate the players who patronize your casino, chances are good that your competition will. Once you know what will motivate and reward your best customers, then you can get creative.

The “Player Reward™” incentive solution from
All Star Incentive Marketing has attracted great attention by casinos looking to increase casino traffic and build long-lasting player loyalty.

With decades of experience in providing merchandise solutions that motivate and reward our client’s customers, we will help you appreciate and motivate the players who patronize your casino. 

Player rewards programs, special events, monthly gift programs, and high roller gift programs are just a few creative ways that All Star’s Player Reward™ suite can help you say “Thank You” to your gaming enthusiast/patrons.

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